Population: 1000
Deaths: 0
Survival Rate: 0 %
Hunger: 100 %
Health: 100 %
Money: $ 0
Tax: %
Carbon Monoxide: 0 %
Sanity: 100 %
Ensures surviving children
+1 population
Cash Printers: 0
Prints cash to help
increase income +$1/click
$ 60
First-Aid Kit
Saving some injured +30%
$ 100
Edible canned goods +50%
$ 200
Workers: 0
Automatically helps to make
$ 2k
Doctors: 0
Assisting birth of new
humans +1/sec population
$ 10k
Alpha Key
Unlocks stage 2
$ 20k
Stage 2 Unlocked
Automated food and
first aid at 50%
Real Estate
Creates a real estate market
Bunker Expansion
Expanding the bunker
+1000 population
Cash Machine
Automated cash generation
+ $10 /second
Air Purifier
Generates oxygen to
omit carbon monoxide
Radio Signal
Attempt to build a radio
to reach the outside world
Beta Operator
Unlocks stage 3